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Allegiance has received the NQA ISO 9001 Quality Management Certification

Allegiance adheres to the ISO 9001’s quality management systems standards to ensure that we are providing a strong quality control in delivering high-quality products and services time after time. Our certification allows us to continue providing our customers the best products and services resulting in customer confidence and satisfaction.

“ISO 9001 provides a framework and set of principles that ensure common-sense approach to the management of the organization to consistently satisfy customers and other stakeholders.” – NQA Global Certification Body

Allegiance has received the O-TTPS Certification 


Allegiance has received the O-TTPS Certification 

Allegiance adheres to the strictest standards in Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM). The Open Group is the leading authority on standards related to the shipment, storage, and distribution of commercial off the shelf information technology products (COTS).

Our O-TTPS/SCRM policies validate product sources, inventory practices, shipping carriers, compliance with anti-malicious and tainted product protocols, and offering comprehensive personnel background checks and supply chain training for all of our employees and team members.


“O-TTPS is an Open Standard containing a set of organizational guidelines, requirements, and recommendations for component suppliers, providers, and integrators to enhance the integrity of commercial off the shelf (COTS) information and community technology.” – The Open Group



The Department of the Army is conducting the ITES-4H (Information Technology Enterprise Solutions – 4 Hardware) competition for the purpose of issuing contracts to acquire information technology required to meet the Army’s information technology mission.

Allegiance is a contender for the ITES-4H procurement. ITES-4H will also support the Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (OASALT), Program Executive Office, Enterprise Information Systems (PEO-EIS), and PD Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions (PD Chess) initiatives.

The fundamental purpose of the Information Technology Enterprise Solutions 4 Hardware (ITES-4 H) acquisition is to support the Army enterprise infrastructure and infostructure goals with a full range of innovative, world-class information technology equipment and solutions at a reasonable price. Such services also include the full range of Information Technology (IT) equipment for client, server, storage, and network environments; for related incidental services and software; for maintenance/warranty of legacy IT equipment; and for warranty variations.

This solicitation will result in award of multiple Fixed Price Indefinite-delivery/ Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contracts. Individual Firm Fixed Price delivery orders will be issued against the IDIQ contracts in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 16.5 – Indefinite-Delivery Contracts. The maximum amount of all orders placed against all ITES-4H contracts awarded from this solicitation shall not exceed $10,000,000,000 over a maximum ten-year period of performance.

Anticipated award date: 2QFY2023